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ISCNI Flash 1.21.

ISCNI*Flash -- Vol. 1, No. 21 -- January 16, 1996

Highlights in this edition are:


With regret and a great sense of loss, ISCNI bids final farewell to our esteemed friend and colleague Dr. Karla Turner, who died of cancer on January 9.

Karla was widely respected in the UFO community for her research on alien abduction. A scholar and professional educator, she earned a Ph.D. in Old English studies and taught at the university level in Texas for more than ten years. But in 1988, she and her husband and son endured a shocking series of experiences and recollections that forced them to recognize that they were all abductees.

Karla's response was to drop her professional university career and turn her full attention to abduction research. Her first book, Into the Fringe (Berkley Books, 1992), told of her own experiences and those of her family. Her second book, Taken - Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda (Kelt Works, 1994), profiled the abduction stories of eight women whose experiences included both "alien" and human intrusions, and both benign and negative elements, illustrating the profoundly complex nature of the abduction mystery. Her most recent book, Masquerade of Angels (Kelt Works, 1994), was co-written with psychic Ted Rice and recounts Ted's lifelong encounters with strange entities whose identity hovered in a shadowland between angelic and demonic. Karla was working on another book when she became ill in early 1995.

Karla was a founding faculty member of ISCNI. We will miss her brilliant mind and passionate heart, her courage, her love of truth, her sharp wit, her generosity of spirit. Our deepest sympathy goes out to her husband Elton, her son, and all who loved her.

Funeral services for Karla Turner were held in Gainesville, Texas on Friday, January 12. If you wish to offer a commemorative gift in Karla's name, her husband asks that you contribute to the clinic where Karla spent her last days. Please send your gift to:

Leslie Medical Center
P. O. Box 400
Leslie, AR 72645

Karla's family wishes to thank all those who have shared their love and support during this difficult time.

Cigar-Shaped UFOs, Huge Mothership Reported

[The following is excerpted from a longer article that appeared January 7 in the Gazette Telegraph, a Colorado newspaper. ISCNI*Flash thanks Rebecca Schatte for forwarding this story.]

By D'Arcy Fallon, Gazette Telegraph

SAN LUIS VALLEY -- Tim Edwards is a jumpy man these days. Some might say he's an ordinary guy reacting to an extraordinary experience. Others might say he's seen too many "Twilight Zone" reruns. Puffing nervously on a Marlboro, Edwards, binoculars around his neck, paces back and forth on the front lawn of his Salida home and gestures to the mountains above him. Up there. He gazes at the sky with palpable longing. "There are so many weird things up here," says Edwards, 42, a quiet man who runs a popular family cafe with his wife and father.

Edwards swears he saw a UFO in August from his back yard, and he's still shaken up about it. "I don't look outside no more. I don't get no sleep." He's probably not alone.

Steeped in history and folklore, the San Luis Valley has long been a UFO hotbed. As long ago as 1917, the residents of Salida told of mysterious "vehicles of the air" flying about the night sky, according to a 78-year-old edition of The Salida Record.

Many American Indians considered the valley's Mount Blanca to be the Sacred Mountain of the East -- a doorway for the emergence of the Star People, often described as "arriving aboard flying seedpods," according to an article in Spirit magazine.

But Tim Edwards says he didn't see a flying seedpod on August 27. He describes it as a silver cigar-shaped spacecraft. Like Richard Dreyfuss in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," Edwards exudes an aura of nervous intensity as he talks about the sighting. It happened on a Sunday morning when Edwards was working outside on his house with his daughter, Brandy, 6, at his side.

Brandy, worried that it might rain, looked upward and said, "Daddy, there's something up there in the sky," Edwards recounted last week. He brushed off his daughter's comments, but when she kept insisting he look up, Edwards said he realized she was right. There was something in the sky. He grabbed his video camera and for more than a hour shot footage of the disc shaped or cigar-shaped object. It had oscillating lights that appeared to rotate from left to right, and it darted back and forth just above the morning sun.

During subsequent sightings, Edwards shot videotapes showing small, white spheres emerging from the object. Edwards' first tape was shown in November on "Sightings," and was analyzed by Village Labs, a digital video technology company in Tempe, Ariz. Village Labs president Jim Dilettoso said the tape wasn't a hoax or an optic aberration. He said it appeared to contain legitimate footage of a very large, solid, possibly three-dimensional object flying at high altitude.

Whether one believes Edwards saw a UFO or simply an odd-looking plane, he swears he's a changed man. "They put some feelings in me I've never had before," he said. "When I was looking at the main craft, I got, like, an electrical impulse through my body. It was very important for the world to know the truth. Now I'm convinced we're not alone." The UFOs are buzzing the Earth because they're concerned about its inhabitants, much like humans are curious about whales and dolphins, said Edwards. And how should earthlings respond? With "brotherhood, universal love, and get rid of the nuclear stuff," Edwards said. "Not since Jesus was here has something so major come down," he added. "Most people are terrified that something could be out there." Or fascinated.

On the eastern edge of the huge valley, on a windswept hillside near La Veta, two sisters, Jeanne Shaw, 49, and Loni Smith, 53, talked about their cosmic encounter. Before launching into her side of the story, Shaw explained she had always seen herself as "a bit of a skeptic" when it came to the paranormal. "Just because I see a little light in the sky, doesn't mean it's a UFO," she said. Shaw's sister, a property manager in La Veta, is the same way. In fact, neither of the sisters -- who grew up in Colorado Springs -- seemed quick to jump on the UFO bandwagon. And yet both are unshakeable in their explanation about what they saw one night this past fall. It wasn't a Black Hawk helicopter, as the Walsenburg police suggested to them when they phoned in alarm. Not a plane. Not a dream or an hallucination. It was a UFO.

Here's their story: On Sept. 23, about 8:15 p.m., as Shaw, her two children and Smith sat at the kitchen table after dinner, they heard a strange humming outside their mobile home in the Navajo Ranch Resorts subdivision, located between La Veta and Walsenburg. "I heard, no, felt this humming noise," said Shaw, who moved to the La Veta area last spring after she got tired of life in Denver. "I felt something huge coming up the back of my lot."

Smith: "It was a vibration, although the windows weren't rattling." They looked out the window and say they saw a slow-moving, rectangular-shaped spacecraft skimming the tops of the pinon trees. It had yellow and white oscillating lights in front and two red lights in the back, like a Cadillac's. They estimated it was as wide and long as a football field.

Shaw: "It was huge."

Smith: "It was monstrous. It was the mother ship."

The sisters' words leapfrogged over each other as they attempt to explain their reactions to the sighting. Tumbling out of the mobile home, they stared, incredulous at the thing.

Smith: "Our mouths were open to our navels. I felt like I was looking up at the bottom of a barge."

Shaw: "My knees buckled. I screamed. It was in our face." As the object slowly moved away from them, Smith waved her arms after it, yelling, "Here we are! Here we are!" Shaw, petrified, slugged her sister on the arm. "Shut up!" she said. "They'll beam us up!"

Shaw's son, Robert, 27, ran behind the spacecraft as it flew down the arroyo, trying to catch up with it. Shaw estimates it took about 20 minutes before it disappeared.

Two miles away in the subdivision, another resident, Joan Newland, was getting ready for bed. She, too, heard a low humming noise and figured it was a helicopter. But the sound persisted, and her dogs were going wild. She looked out the window and gasped. Like Shaw, her knees buckled. "It was huge. I saw it going over the trees. It was a shock to see something that big. I thought, holy..., what is that?"

Shaken and frightened, Newland decided to keep her observation to herself. Then she got a call from Shaw, asking if she'd seen something strange out her window. The women compared notes and decided it must have been a UFO. "What else could it have been'?" asked Newland plaintively. "There's nothing that could fly that low without making any draft or wind."

Since that night, neither Newland nor Shaw has seen the spacecraft. Not that they've stopped looking.

Newland: "We keep our eyes to the sky now."

Shaw: "Only about 20 times a night."

[EDITOR'S NOTE: The object reported by Shaw, Smith and Newland sounds similar to other slow, low-flying, HUGE and almost silent aircraft sighted in remote parts of the country in recent years. A notable feature of these reports is that the craft are never said to move fast or suddenly disappear, as in many other UFO reports. Some researchers now speculate that witnesses like Shaw are actually seeing human-built lighter than air (LTA) craft, a new breed of huge and oddly-shaped "heavy lifters" in development for military and industry but still apparently secret, for reasons unknown. One reason for secrecy might be that these craft have military reconnaissance applications and may even employ stealth technology. However, while large experimental LTA craft have been reported in the open press, including one huge triangular shaped vehicle under development in Russia as a possible commercial passenger craft, there is no proof as yet that such craft are secretly flying over such places as the San Luis Valley. Nor does it seem likely that LTA craft can account for the claims of Tim Edwards. CNI News will continue to report on these events as new information becomes available.]

"In all times and all places, with the possible exception of Western Europe for the past two hundred years, a social commerce between human beings and various types of discarnate entities, or non-human intelligences, was taken for granted."

- Terence McKenna

New Reports Also Coming From China

[CNI News thanks Brian Zeiler for forwarding the Korea portion of this story, which ran in Agence France Presse on December 31.]

SEOUL -- A doughnut-shaped "flying saucer" glowed for an hour over a provincial city park Saturday night, attracting a crowd of awed onlookers and cameramen, news reports said on Sunday, Dec 31.

The strange object emitted a wave of luminous red light from its center and moved slowly and soundlessly over a hilly park in the southern city of Taegu, Yonhap news agency said.

Television and radio stations were swamped with telephone calls by witnesses who claimed it was an unidentified flying object (UFO), Yonhap said.

An air force surveillance team in the city also saw the glowing saucer through binoculars but failed to detect it on a radar screen, it said. Many people in the city were reported to have photographed the saucer.

CNI News correspondant Rebecca Schatte reported that the NBC-TV affiliate in Houston, Texas, ran video footage of the Korean UFO incident on January 3.

Meanwhile, according to a report in the Scottish Sunday Mail of Dec 31, pilots of four aircraft also reported recent UFO sightings over northeast China.

The captain of an internal flight to Beijing on December 4 radioed that he could see "a white oval object travelling at about 550 mph." He later reported that it "turned green and followed the aeroplane's flight path." Within minutes,the captain of another airliner reported seeing the same thing, and two others spotted red or yellow UFOs.


New images in the Angel Gallery of the ISCNI Web site illustrate four true stories of apparent angelic contact and also demonstrate the inspired computer artistry of Kent Steadman. The four new images, as well as others, are available direct from the artist as fine art prints.

Steadman regards the new media of computer art and hands-on printing as viable printmaking processes comparable to wood cut, etching and other skills within the art tradition.

His new angel images were carefully developed to visualize real stories of divine beings helping people in need.

Steadman says, "Throughout an infinite cosmos, all dreams are real. Art gives substance to dream. The angel illustrations depict bursts of light penetrating the world of shadows. Such intervention has amazing implications for all of us."

You are invited to view Kent Steadman's artistry at the ISCNI Web site. Go to http://www.iscni.com, then select Angels and Associated Phenomena and scroll down to "Cases."

For complete information on acquiring these images as fine art prints, or to inquire about other art and custom services, please contact Kent Steadman by email at Phikent@aol.com.


A poll conducted by Scripps Howard University in 1995 asked the question: "Do you believe UFOs are real and that the government is hiding what it knows?" A total of 1,006 U.S. adults of all ages, ethnic groups, geographic locations and socio-economic levels were polled. Fifty percent answered "Very likely" or "Somewhat likely," while 43% said "Not likely."


[ISCNI*Flash acknowledges the United Kingdom UFO Mailing List and Rebecca Schatte for sending this story, which appeared in the Sunday Express (UK) on December 31, 1995.]

Safari tours to view the exotic wildlife in the swamps of Brazil's Matto Grosso may never be the same again.

The 89,000 square mile Pantanal nature reserve -- more famous for species like yellow anacondas, caymans, giant ant-eaters, howler monkeys and jaguars -- is preparing to encourage other creatures.

Officials in the nearby town of Barra do Garcas have designated 12 acres as the world's first UFO airport.

The Pantanal is already the UFO hotspot of the world, with hundreds more sightings reported than anywhere else.

Local Councillor Valdon Vargao, who initiated the plan and has made nationwide tours with Mayor Vilmar Peres to publicise the UFO airport, said: "They can call me mad. But I'm doing humanity a service."

He insists: "My main concern is to maintain a cordial and official relationship with the extraterrestrials."

His "Interspace Aerodrome" signs have gone up all over the fenced off site in preparation for concreting it over -- just to make sure the UFOs do not get stuck in the mud.

Brazil's foremost UFO expert, A.J. Gervaerd -- whose centre for Flying Saucer Research is on the edge of the Pantanal -- is in regular contact with Valdon Vargao.

"A.J." as he is known to UFO spotters across the world, said: "They're very excited about it in Barra do Garcas and there is huge interest in UFOs in Brazil generally."

[The UNITED KINGDOM UFO MAILING LIST and be reached by email at ufo@holodeck.demon.co.uk, and on the World Wide Web at http://www.waverider.co.uk/~paulj/ufo/ufo1.html]

Report from the Research Institute on Anomalous Phenomena

[ISCNI*Flash is pleased to reprint this introductory report from RIAP, which describes the efforts of serious scientists in the Ukraine to come to grips with what they term "genuine UFOs" or "GUFOs." Since the breakup of the former Soviet Union, it has become apparent that scientists and military figures in Russia and other former Soviet republics (now called the Commonwealth of Independent States or CIS) are much more willing than their western counterparts to acknowledge the fact, and potential importance, of truly anomalous UFO phenomena.]

by Vladimir V. Rubtsov, Director, RIAP RIAP Scientific Council, Kharkov, Ukraine

The Research Institute on Anomalous Phenomena (RIAP) was established in 1992. It is an independent research body, aimed at scientific studies in the fields of the UFO problem and non-classical SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). The Institute makes its investigations in close collaboration with the CIS Academy of Cosmonautics and the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Specific features of the UFO problem are well-known. UFO sightings are unpredictable and therefore difficult to investigate with "normal" scientific methods and equipment. Although evident progress has been made in the last few decades in collecting and analyzing raw data on UFO observations, the nature of "genuine UFOs" (GUFOs) still remains an open question. The ufological community has at its disposal a huge amount of UFO reports (mostly of low quality), together with undeveloped methods of data treatment and hypotheses testing. As a result, "big science" tries to keep aloof from this field of research.

To open a way to the solution of the UFO problem, it should be posed as a normal scientific problem, in complete conformity to the cognitive standards of science. Being multidisciplinary, it is to be divided into narrow mono-disciplinary sub-problems which could be developed methodologically and rigorously, while providing efficient interdisciplinary coordination. It is most essential to organize systematic gathering and processing of instrumental information on UFO sightings, to obtain really "hard" data on the phenomenon. This information will give a basis for a complete picture and well-founded theoretical models.

The principal trends of UFO research at the Institute are as follows: development of methods and strategies of active monitoring of UFOs; instrumental studies of supposed landing sites, impacts on biological systems and UFO samples; creation of an efficient system of reconstruction of a real anomalous event on the basis of witnesses' testimonies; creation of a unified UFO data base and a computer expert system to identify GUFOs; development of physical models of GUFOs; examination of supposed contact cases between humans and aliens.

The SETI problem is considered by established science as worthy of attention, at least when a radio-search for ETIs is concerned. But results of such experiments are rather disappointing. To increase the likelihood of successful solution of this problem, it is essential to supplement the search for interstellar signals with the search for alien artifacts (space bases, extraterrestrial probes, various technical devices, etc., or their remnants) in the Solar System. One of the most promising sites for such a search is the Moon. This atmosphere-free satellite is, by its very nature, a potential "reserve" of possible traces of extraterrestrial visitations over a period of several billions of years.

The Institute is carrying out the program "Search for Alien Artifacts on the Moon" (SAAM). This program includes: a) search for sunlight reflections from flat (mirror-like) surfaces of hypothetical ET objects (e.g. reconnaissance devices monitoring the Earth); b) search for other assumed artificial extraterrestrial phenomena on the Lunar surface; c) consideration of the possibility of interaction between the terrestrial and extraterrestrial civilizations on the Moon; d) simulation of probable ETI strategies for the Moon.

These investigations employ photographs of various regions of the Lunar surface taken from "Apollo", "Lunar Orbiter", "Luna" and "Zond" spacecraft, as well as the existing catalogues of Lunar Transient Phenomena (LTP) and the data obtained by the network of LTP observers that have been recently set up by the Institute especially for this purpose. The network involves at present a group of competent observers in Ukraine, Russia and Byelaruss.

The Scientific Council and Advisory Board of the Institute include such Russian and Ukrainian specialists in the UFO problem and SETI field as A.V.Arkhipov (radio astronomer who has discovered supposed ETI radio sources near some distant stars), A.V.Beletsky (historian studying pre-1917 UFO waves in Russia), Dr. E.A.Ermilov (specialist in radio detection of aerial anomalous phenomena), Dr. V.N.Fomenko (investigator of the famous Vashka find, as well as other supposed ET artifacts), Yu.A.Fomin (doyen of UFO studies in Russia), Dr. L.M.Gindilis (astronomer and SETI expert), Dr. Yu.V.Platov (Vice-Chairman of the Academic UFO Study Group), Dr. V.K.Zhuravlev (investigator of the Tunguska explosion), and others. The Advisory Board includes also a group of well-known Western scientists, scholars and engineers -- V.J.Ballester Olmos (Spain), Dr. T.E.Bullard (USA), Dr. R.F.Haines (USA), Dr. A.Meessen (Belgium), et al. Dr. V.V.Rubtsov is Director of the Institute.

To inform the ufological community about results of investigations that are being conducted by RIAP specialists, we have started, in 1994, a special periodical, the "RIAP Bulletin" (RB). It is the ONLY serious anomalistic periodical in the Commonwealth of Independent States published IN ENGLISH. There appear in RB scientific papers, short communications, book reviews, letters to the Editor, etc.

RB Vol. 1, Nos. 1 - 4 and Vol. 2, Nos. 1 - 4 have been printed and sent to subscribers. They contain, in particular, the papers "Post-Soviet Ufology: a View from Inside" and "Alternative Science?" by V.V.Rubtsov; "UFOs as Objects of Study by Terrestrial Physics" by V.A.Buerakov; "Astrodynamical Aspects of Paleovisitology" and "UFOs on the Moon" by A.V.Arkhipov; "UFOs: a Possible Mechanism of Formation, Behavior and Environmental Impact" by V.I.Mazhuga; "The Petrozavodsk Phenomenon", by Dr. L.M.Gindilis & Yu.K.Kolpakov, and others. We have also published the first really comprehensive survey of anomalous features of the famous Tunguska explosion ("The Tunguska Meteorite: A Dead-Lock or the Start of a New Stage of Inquiry?"), written by the leading Russian specialist in this problem, Dr. Nikolay V. Vasilyev, Member of Academy.

There will appear in the next RB issues, in particular, the following papers: "The Black Ball: a Supposed Extraterrestrial Artifact", by Dr. V.N.Fomenko; "New Data on Genetic Impact by the Tunguska Space Body", by N.V.Vasilyev; "UFOs: False and Genuine", by the Russian academic UFO expert Dr. Yu.V.Platov; "A Second UFO Landing on the Mzha River, near Kharkov, on December 6, 1995", by a group of RIAP scientists, and many others.

RIAP Bulletin is published four times per year. Subscription rates: a life-long subscription - $100; 12 issues (three years) - $50; 8 issues (two years) - $35; 4 issues (one year) - $20. Airmail postage included.

To subscribe to the RIAP Bulletin, please send a cheque, drawn on a US bank, or a US money order, or an international POSTAL money order to the following address: (Before February 1, 1996): Mr. Gary Burgansky, RIAP-US, 1915 Seagirt Blvd., Suite 7A, Far Rockaway, NY 11691-3784, USA. (After February 1, 1996): Mr. Gary Burgansky, RIAP-US, 711-A, Seagirt Ave., Suite 25-K, Far Rockaway, NY 11691, USA. Phone (718) 471-6609. Make check or money order payable to "Gary Burgansky."

Institute mailing address: RIAP, P.O.Box 4684, 310022 Kharkov-22, Ukraine. Fax: +380 (57-2) 79-11-11.


The ISCNI Online Bookstore, featuring top recommended books and videos on CNI subjects, is open at http://www.iscni.com. Click the horizontal green bar marked Bookstore on ISCNI's Home Page to view our illustrated online catalog. The ISCNI Bookstore features the quick and secure "Simply Safe" Credit Card ordering system. Try it today!

An Earth Mysteries News Report
Copyright 1996 by Linda Moulton Howe

Update on Hale-Bopp Comet

Dr. Brian Marsden at the Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory said on January 12 that the Hale-Bopp comet was last photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope on December 8 before it disappeared behind the sun. The last photographs showed a "separate jet" in the comet's large gaseous head which Dr. Marsden and others assume are dust particles and not a broken piece of the comet.

The icy nucleus is now estimated to be smaller than originally thought -- about 50 kilometers wide, or 25 miles. When Hale-Bopp emerges from behind the sun in early March somewhere near the asteroid belt, more photographs will be taken. Dr. Marsden says that April 1, 1997 is the date Hale-Bopp will come closest to the sun and will cross the earth's plane a few days earlier at a distance of ten million miles.

Update on Recent Unusual Animal Deaths

On January 7, 1996, a veterinarian in Klamath Falls, Oregon found a one week old calf dead and mutilated on her farm. The right ear had been cut off and the entire skull had been removed. To date, there is no law enforcement investigation.

This is the second mutilation in Klamath Falls since December 21st when Tim Howard found one of his pregnant heifers dead with her right ear gone, hide cut from her face, the tongue cut lengthwise along the top of the teeth, all four teats removed leaving black circles on the surface of the udder, and the rectum and vagina cut out in a neat "keyhole" cut. There was no blood at any of the excisions or on the ground. Mr. Howard was impressed that he could see his truck's tire tracks and his own shoe prints on the frosty pasture grass but no tracks or signs of struggle anywhere around the cow. Law enforcement visited the scene but there has been no follow-up investigation.

On January 4, 1996, the Isabella County, Michigan Sheriff's Department found eight calves frozen and dead alongside a country road. Two were skinned of all their hide from head to hooves; six were skinned of all their hide from neck to hooves. All were black and white Holsteins and about a week old.

"This is a very weird situation we've got here," said Isabella County Undersheriff William Burns. "These calves look like they were stolen for their hides, but we don't know whose calves they are because no one has reported any missing livestock." So far no suspects have been arrested or arraigned for this crime.

On December 28, El Vocero Newspaper in Puerto Rico reported that the Chupacabras "goat sucker" was suspected in unusual animal deaths in quite separate regions on Tuesday, December 26th. In Loiza of the Torrecilla Baja region, Carmen Cepeda Romero said that in the early morning hours she heard strange noises in her house and that the dog that was tied up on the patio was barking for a long time. When she got up and went out on the patio she found her Siamese cat dead with the genitals removed, two guinea hens with their throats slit, a chicken with "perforations," and four ducks and four rabbits dead in their cages.

That same day Aisle Ramos in San German reported that eleven of his goats were found dead. The police and Department of Natural Resources investigated but to date the illusive chupacabras is still at large.

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Pennsylvania residents please add 6% sales tax

Anonymous Author Says He Salvaged UFOs for "Project Pluto"

[In recent weeks, ISCNI has received a very large number of provocative stories from anonymous sources claiming direct knowledge of UFO/alien events through former affiliation with the military or intelligence community. Given that such stories are inherently unverifiable, the ISCNI news center usually ignores them, even if they "sound true." Nonetheless, from time to time we receive an item impressive enough in its detail and literacy to warrant an exception to our general rule. The following is such an item. ISCNI MAKES NO CLAIM THAT THIS STORY IS TRUE, nor can we identify its original source. However, we invite any reader who can corroborate any part of this story to send information directly to news editor Michael Lindemann (ISCNIMikeL). ISCNI*Flash thanks Wanda Sudrala for sending this item.]

I am fifty years of age and an engineer that has worked in the private sector, as well as with the American government. From 1975 to 1980, I was involved with several investigations having to do with E.T. material. Even though the project was very well covered, I am still very much surprised that Project Pluto and results have not surfaced yet. There was no question that the government was in full control.

[Editor's Note: Project Pluto and a possibly related Project Pounce were briefly referenced in a. report first posted to the internet by William Cooper in December, 1988. At that time, Cooper said that Project Pluto was "established to evaluate all UFO/IAC informqation pertaining to space technology. This project is ongoing. PLUTO is the proword for POUNCE." Concerning Pounce, Cooper said: "This project was formed to recover all downed/crashed craft and aliens. This project provided cover stories/operations to mask true endeavor when necessary. Covers which have been used: crashed experimental aircraft, construction, mining, etc. This project has been successful. This project is ongoing." (Howe, "An Alien Harvest," p. 184) If the following story is considered true, then the author is evidently unaware that at least Cooper's information about Project Pluto is available.]

For security purposes, Project Pluto had five levels. Those who investigated one level had nothing to do with the next, and would only turn in the results of data of these findings to the next level, then go on to another area. No one that I knew ever had the results of two levels at the same time.

There was only one very rare exception to the rule which took place in 1975, and was in fact my very first assignment with the project. I was employed by a non-government firm that of course was directly involved with the government, and probably fronted for them on the projects.

Several others and myself were rushed to a rather remote place in upstate Pennsylvania. We were informed that everything was top secret, and had to remain that way. We were even housed in a hotel close by, and security people were assigned to us. Some type of aircraft had crashed in this area, and the government felt that it would be easier and faster to do all of their investigation right here rather than to move the remains of the wreck, and whatever evidence the soil may contain.

The wreck site was rather difficult to get to. However, we turned it into a construction site, clearing the area, and building two small and one very large metal pre-fab buildings over and around the wreck. Heavy equipment, materials, and workers were flown in and out on a daily basis.

We were moved from the hotel to some mobile homes that were brought in for us and many more top level people who joined us. I might add that the local people who still lived some distance from the site were led to believe that a large private corporation was preparing to build an electrical power supply for the area. But it was off limits to everyone in the area.

We were some of the first ones on the scene other than lots of security people. The wreck had already been covered by very large canvas blankets, and large nets were tented overhead to protect the site from any possible air traffic. I did manage to get a very good look at the wreck on several occasions. My first thoughts were that it may have been an experimental aircraft of our government, or perhaps [another] government. It was later suggested to us that it was a new type of aircraft of a foreign government, and it was a super hush hush project. That aircraft was nothing like I have ever seen or probably ever will again.

The crash site was also something quite different. The disturbed soil was about a hundred feet in diameter, although the craft was much larger in length. I only saw what appeared to be about two-thirds of the rear end and even that was about ten feet below the surface. When it crashed on about a 30 degree angle, it pushed all the earth back away from the craft itsel -- almost as if the hole were made first, and then something half the size was put in place. My best thought on this rather strange hole is that some kind of magnetic field had pushed all the earth away from the craft at impact.

It was reasonable to assume that I was looking down at the rear end of the aircraft, yet there was nothing to indicate that it had any kind of engine as we know it. Not even one little opening. I don't really like to use the term cigar, but since I could not see the front part, it certainly appeared to have once been shaped like a large cigar. That's by best description. If it was a craft from a foreign government, then we are in big trouble.

Incidently, there was only a very small reading of radio waves [does the author mean radiation? - ed] in the area. The area was quite safe. There was on the other hand a great deal of free magnetic energy in that area. It was very difficult using our instruments. It was very difficult just to establish the correct time. Every wrist watch was a different time.

I actually held one small portion of the wreck in my hand. The piece was a material that I really can't identify. It may have been torn from the front of the craft when it crashed. A few of us compared thoughts as to what it might be, but no one was really certain. None of us had ever seen anything like it before.

It was about one square foot and about an inch thick. It weighed almost nothing, and one had the feeling that it may blow away if you let go of it and the wind increased. It was the same color and texture as the large portion, so it was safe to assume that it was part of the shell of the craft. It weighed nowhere near enough to be any metal that we had ever seen. It even weighed less than any plastic that I had seen of a similar size. I tried to scratch it with a pocket knife, and even cut away a small piece of the edge, but the knife did nothing to it. The surface was clear as glass, and stronger than anything we had seen before. It was like trying to scratch the surface of glass with a feather. Of course, we had to turn it in to the security people.

After the site was secure, the first groups that included myself were taken away. There was a very thorough strip search prior to us being given jumpsuits and put into a truck for the transportation to a waiting plane. We were taken to another area and debriefed before we were allowed to return to our normal way of life.

About three months later, a few of us returned to the site to remove the buildings, fill up the hole, and generally put the area back into the same shape as it may have been prior to the crash. We went through the same type of security search and debriefing as we had done the first time. Whatever was left of the craft had been removed and sent to an unknown destination.

Almost one year [later] to the day, I was sent to another crash site. Everything was a repeat of the first time, except that there were six of us. Four of us were part of the first crash site, and the other two were new. This time the aircraft was buried so deep into the lower side of a hill that we could not get a good look at it.

The security arrangements were just about the same, and we constructed similar buildings around it. It was very close to a rerun of the first crash site. Only this time we were told, "as a matter of fact it was a top secret experimental aircraft that had crashed." I managed to see the rear end of the craft. It appeared to be the same type as the first.

[Again] the code name of the project was Pluto. Incidently, that was in upstate New York, in 1976. I do not know if there were any "people" or life forms aboard.

In 1978, I was again sent to a crash site. We arrived the day after the security people. This time the aircraft landed in a lake in upstate Pennsylvania. We went through the same motions, and several buildings on the edge of the lake to house the craft, once it was removed from the water. Lots of Navy equipment was flown in, and there were divers everywhere. The same magnetic field was present as in the first two incidents.

There was no aircraft.

I spent three weeks there in the event that the buildings had to be adjusted. It seems that the divers had located the exact spot that the aircraft had rested on the bottom, but it was gone. There was lots of evidence on the beach that something very large had crashed into the lake, causing the water of the lake to splash ashore, over thirty feet, and what was normally a rather clean lake, was suddenly a very large mudhole. After three weeks, I left and was subjected to the same type of security as the first two times.

I didn't have to return to dismantle the pre-fab buildings. I would think that it was done by others very soon thereafter. There were some thoughts at first that the craft may have been buried under the bottom of the lake, but by this time, we knew enough about the craft to know if that were the case. It was not -- it just vanished. Perhaps it was not damaged and managed to fly away. That may sound silly, but I believe that it is a reasonable conclusion.

There was some damage to the immediate area. Six large electrical transformers, and some other equipment were burned out and had to be replaced by the electric company. The government took the electrical equipment and had it flown somewhere else.

In 1979, I was sent to the shores of southern Texas. The same type of situation -- all the evidence led us to believe that whatever it was, it landed in the water and flew away.

I understand that over twenty men actually saw it go into the water, but the days that followed bore no fruit. The Navy divers had a good deal of evidence that something had made a very large recent gash on the bottom in about seventy feet of water. The very same magnetic field was present, and everything electrical in the immediate area was burned out.

By the end of 1979, I was sent back to the very same lake in northern Pennsylvania. It was a duplicate incident as the first time we were there. It had landed in the lake and was gone. The same electrical items were again destroyed, and the same magnetic field was evident.

I really have no physical evidence to prove one way or another the identification of the aircraft. I can only examine what I have experienced and wonder! My opinion is another story.

I don't really believe that the aircraft belongs to our government or any other government on this earth. From 1975 to present, we would certainly have seen some kind of revolutionary change in our aircraft.

To date, I still have not seen any material to even slightly match the very first piece of physical evidence that I had examined. That alone would have made a fantastic change in the material we use today. No corporation or government could keep that kind of material quality under cover for over twelve years, if they had invented it.

[Note: the reference to "twelve years" might indicate that this statement was first composed in the late 1980s.]

After twelve years we probably don't even know what it is, or how to make it. I am positive that at the very least, they have two of the aircraft hidden somewhere, and probably have learned very little from them, other than they exist. However, the company that I was associated with has made some gigantic leaps forward in electromagnetic forces. Perhaps they did learn something from it after all.

If we wish to assume that these aircraft are not from this earth, and are from way out there in space, then my goodness, the planet must be full of visitors. The air traffic alone must be fantastic. It seems to me that whoever they are, they have found it easier to land in the water rather than on our dry earth.

I have never really had any feelings one way or another about E.T.'s. I had elected to deal with hard evidence only -- that was prior to 1975. For those few years afterwards, I could not help but interject some opinions into my brain. As I would rather deal with hard evidence only, I am forced to put all of this on a scale, and take a good hard look at the tilting of the scales. There is far too much here to ignore. I must confess that I had somewhat leaned towards the experimental aircraft story. But as the years passed, it became evident that was only a cover story. Too much time has passed and our aircraft are pretty much the same.

There is no doubt in my mind that we as well as others are constantly experimenting with new aircraft. However, at this late date, I am reasonably certain that those crash sites were not made by anything that we are familiar with. Then again, I still kind of reserve that possibility. As you can see, I have many mixed feelings about it. In addition, I have no way of knowing if I had been on every crash site that occurred. There may have been many more during that period and many more since then.

I really don't know if anyone had ever been removed from the two wrecks that I had personally seen. Perhaps they were only mechanical flights. Perhaps the medical people were only there -- just in case -- and/or to test the wreck for any form of unknown bacteria prior to removing it. Their being present is not really evidence that a life form was found. It could go either way.

There are many items that I have not included in this article. At some time in the future, I will take my time and write every detail that I can remember.


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